
As an interdisciplinary program, PIH draws on a large community of faculty, staff, and students from across the university. With over 400 undergraduate majors and a thriving graduate program, humanities alumni number in the thousands. The Humanities program at FSU has, in the course of its decades-long history, taught tens of thousands of undergraduate students in widely-popular classes such as HUM 3321 (Multicultural Dimensions of Film and 20th Century Culture) and, more recently, HUM 2020 (The Art of Being Human).

The Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities itself houses the director of the program, two full time teaching faculty, and a growing number of graduate students. The graduate program in Digital Humanities relies upon the ever-growing digital humanities community at FSU. Individual researchers, teachers, and staff from Arts and Sciences departments, the University Libraries, and the School of Communication and Information, among others, are listed here.

A complete directory can be accessed here.

For who to see for what, see here.